Frequently Asked Question
How will this course be delivered?
This course will be delivered through Zoom and links will be emailed to you nearer to the start of the course.
Will I be able to ask questions?
There is a Q&A after each day where you will hear questions about the content covered.
I would like to help family members with this information, can I buy additional places?
Yes, additional tickets can be purchased at checkout giving you the chance to offer places to friends and family who will also benefit from this information and be able to ask questions.
I've had COVID already, is this course for me?
Having COVID once means that your body has produced antibodies to the virus, you are less likely to catch it for the next 6 months and it will likely be less severe. However, as the number of variants increases, we are also hearing of people catching COVID again. Taking the opportunity to support your immune system and knowing what to do if you are in this situation again empowers you whatever arises.