For over a decade, Vanessa has been teaching live classes all over Europe. Now these classes are easily accessible from wherever you are in the world.
Health Secrets Every Mama Should Know
Dreaming of a toxin-free home but short on time?
If you've ever wanted to detoxify your home without overwhelm, then this workshop is your shortcut. I'll share the most impactful, time-saving tips to transform your health and home - starting straight away.
Restore your health with a vegan detox
10 days of gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan recipes for new inspiration of what to eat. Daily videos exploring signs / symptoms and why we need to detox as well as guided meditation, a guided EFT exploration for emotional blocks and ideas for daily movement.
Mind Body Connection with Food
This weekly class helps to support you emotionally and physically with your health and wellbeing with nutrition. It is a place to gather as a community to support and help with healthier choices for the family and Vanessa uses NLP and EFT Modalities to influence the mindset with food. The next intake starts in January 2023, add yourself to the waiting list to know more below.
Health Starts in the Gut
This is an introduction to fermentation online course - covering the history of fermentation, what fermentation can do for your gut health and immunity with recipes, video demonstrations and FAQs. This will help you become a confident fermenter and harness your friendly bacteria to support your health.
Building Immunity to Protect and Recover
This course is delivered by Ananta and Vanessa. Ananta came to stay with Vanessa but with COVID so using her extensive health knowledge to help her recover and Vanessa started prevention protocols for herself and her daughter so they didn't catch COVID. This course can also applies for general immune support and virus prevention and recovery.
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